November 17, 2023

7 ChatGPT Prompts For Content Creators

By Charles Miller

"AI just killed copywriters"

"AI just killed web designers"

"AI just killed video editors"

If you spent any time on social media this year, you've probably seen that classic hook.

What usually followed it was an illustration of AI doing something unimpressive.

The idea that AI has made creatives obsolete is ridiculous.

But there's a kernel of truth: AI does make our jobs a bit easier.

Here are the 7 ChatGPT prompts I use most:

1. Post Finishing

Start writing your post, then let ChatGPT finish it.

The most common way I do that is by writing lists and telling it to add more things that fit on the list.


"I just wrote the start of this post:

{The start of the post}

Add 5 more list items that match the sentiment and formatting of the post, then finish with a short, impactful concluding line."

Adjust that prompt for different post-finishing tasks you might need (you won't always need more list items).

Then edit and publish.

2. Post Remixing

Past posts from you and other creators are great because, if they got good engagement, they've been validated already.

But you can't copy those posts, and if they're from another creator, you need to make them significantly different.


"This post did well:

{The post}

Tell me the core emotional angle that made it do well, then write me 5 posts that are from that same angle but distinctly different from the original."

See what it gives you, then either edit one of those or let it inspire you to create something new.

3. Topic Generation

This is a broad category that covers dozens of similar prompts.

You can ask ChatGPT to give you topic ideas about your broad niche, subniches within it, specific ideas, and more.

This is my favorite way to use ChatGPT.


"Give me 20 post ideas about marketing."

"Give me 20 post ideas about cognitive biases in marketing."

"Give me 10 surprising marketing statistics that I could write a post about."

"I write for {detailed description of audience}. Give me 25 questions they might have, so I can create content that answers their questions."

"I write for {description of your audience}. Give me: 25 emotional problems they might have that could be solved by insights and 25 tactical problems they might have that could be solved by tips/guides."

"I write for {detailed description of audience}. First, list their top 20 pain points. Then, for each pain point, suggest 5 problem-solving content ideas."

"I write for {audience}. Their biggest goal is {goal}. Give me 50 post ideas that'll help them with {goal}."

If one of the ideas is good, use it.

If not, ask for more or be more specific in your prompt.

4. Post Research

Once you have an idea, ChatGPT can research it for you.

It won't work with current events, but it will for most things.


"I'm writing a post about cognitive biases in marketing. Give me 15 that I might include in it."

That'll give you what you need quickly rather than you needing to do Google searches and look at different blogs.

5. Famous Quotes

Famous quotes are often famous because they hit an emotionally resonant angle.

You can take that angle and write something for yourself.


"Give me 20 famous quotes about marketing."

Look through, find an angle, then remix it into something new.

You can do that by injecting personality and personal experience.

6. Write Like {Influencer}

Similar to the last one, you can have ChatGPT write posts that it thinks a famous influencer would write.

These provide the same value that actual posts do.


"Write 10 tweets that you think Gary Vaynerchuk would write."

Again, find angles, then remix them.

Just make sure you use a very well-known person, because ChatGPT probably won't know about low or medium-level influencers.

7. Content Strategy

Whether you're brand new to content creation or have been doing it for a while, a higher-level analysis might help you.

Try prompts like these to make that happen:

"I write social media content about {topic}. Break that up into {number} subcategories that I can consistently create content about."

"I write social media content about {topic}. Give me a few options for thematic schedules I can follow every week. For example, a quick tip on Monday, a personal story on Tuesday, a listicle on Wednesday, etc."

Those will give you clarity on how you should be building your brand.

8. Intro & Conclusion Ideas

Sometimes, you have the body of a post perfect, but you're not sure about the introduction or conclusion.

In that case, use prompts like these:

“I just wrote this post: {the post}. Write me 5 potential introductions for it. Make them concise, persuasive, and interest-grabbing."

"I just wrote this post: {the post}. Write me 5 potential conclusions for it. Make them emotionally impactful and action-inspiring.

9. Content Expansion

Sometimes, you write something short but want to make it longer.

In the content world, that might mean turning a tweet into a LinkedIn post.

Use this prompt to make it happen:

“I wrote this: 

{What you wrote}.

Expand that idea to be about {number} words. {Additional direction if needed}.”

That additional direction can be about writing style or anything other kind of guideline you want the AI to follow.

10. Content Contraction

On the other hand, sometimes you write something short but want it to be shorter.

In the content world, that might mean turning a blog post into a social media post.

Use this prompt to make it happen:

“I wrote this: 

{What you wrote}.

Shorten it to be about {number} words. {Additional direction if needed}.”

Again, add more instructions if you have preferences for the AI to follow.

11. Tone Switching

My default tone is simple, to the point, and casual.

But sometimes I want to see my idea written a bit differently.

If you're interested in that, tell ChatGPT:

"I wrote this:

{What you wrote}.

Rewrite it to be more playful, then rewrite it again to be more serious."

While you might not use the rewritten versions, this can broaden your perspective and make your approach to writing better.

12. Post Outlining

Staring at a blank page is hard.

Having an outline to fill in can make things a lot easier.

Use this prompt to get one:

"I'm writing a {type of post} with the title {title}.

Create an outline for it with {any specifics you need}."

An example of a specific would be how many sections there are.

13. Post Writing

I'm not a big fan of ChatGPT writing, but some people like getting an AI first draft, then editing it.

If you think that might be you, try this:

"You are a master {platform} content writer.

Write me a post about {topic} that's about {number} words long.

Make the writing style {your preferred style} and the formatting {your preferred formatting}.

{Any other preferences you have}."

Play with those preferences to get something closer to what you need, and always edit your AI writing to improve it, add personality, and add some personal experience.

14. Post Summarizing

The first situation where you might want to summarize a post is if you're adding a summary to the end of it.

The second situation is where you're doing research and want to get a summary of what someone else wrote.

In either case, tell ChatGPT:

"Please summarize this post:

{The post}

Make the summary about {number} words long and format it with {your formatting preferences}.

{Any other preferences you have}."

An example of a preference is it being paragraph or a bullet-point list.

15. SEO Improvements

ChatGPT isn't incredible at SEO, but it's better than total beginners.

If you're near the start of your journey, it can likely help you with a prompt like:

"I wrote this post:

{The post}.

I'm targeting this keyword:

{Your primary keyword}.

Give me suggestions for how I can improve the SEO of the post."

You might get a few ideas that raise your search rank.

16. Writing Improvements

I don't agree with a lot of ChatGPT's opinions on writing because it's more formal and I'm more casual.

But sometimes it tells me something useful when I tell it:

"I wrote this post:

{The post}.

Give me a detailed report of all writing improvements I might make, including grammar, spelling, sentence structure, tonality, and anything else that's relevant."

Again, when I do this, I disagree with most of what it tells me, but some stuff is helpful. You have to know when to follow AI and when to say no to it.

17. Hooks & Last Lines

The hook is the most important part of any piece of content. The last line is probably the second most important.

Use this to get ideas for both:

"I wrote this post:

{The post}.

Give me 15 suggestions for attention-grabbing hooks and 15 suggestions for impactful last lines."

It might spit one out that's better than anything you would've thought of on your own.

18. Video

I'm a writer, and almost everyone I work with is a writer.

But people who do video can use ChatGPT too.


"I'm creating a {platform} video that's about {time length} on {detailed description of topic}. Write me a script that starts with a strong hook, delivers value in the body, and finishes with impact."

"I'm creating a {platform} video on {detailed description of topic}. Suggest 10 hooks I can use to grab attention in the first few seconds."

Also note that video and written content are pretty similar, so you can use many of the other prompts on this list for video content. For some, you can use the exact same prompts. For others, you'll have to slightly adapt them for the different medium.

19. Brand Strategy

A lot of content success happens before you even get an idea for a post.

That's because your brand matters a great deal. Arguably more than your content.

Some branding prompts:

"I create content in {niche}. How can I add uniqueness to my brand?"

"I create content in {niche}. What are some common beliefs or practices in this niche that I could push against to differentiate my brand?"

"I create content in {niche} as a personal/ecommerce/etc brand. How can I add personality to my brand in my marketing materials and content?"

Differentiation is key. ChatGPT can help you create it.

20. Simplification

Simple content beats complicated content in 99% of niches.

Try a prompt like this:

"I just wrote this post:

{The post}.

Simplify the word choice, formatting, and explanation of ideas so more people can understand it."

There's a good chance the simplified version will perform better.

21. Cold Outreach

Cold outreach helps you sell your service, if you have one.

It also helps you add people to your network and potentially create strategic partnerships.

ChatGPT might write you some good templates if you tell it:

"I sell {service} to {audience} from my personal brand account on {platform}. Write 10 concise and conversational sales outreach messages that I can experiment with. Make them all under 30 words long."

"I create content about {topic} and want to connect with other influencers in my niche. Write 10 concise and conversational networking outreach messages that I can experiment with. Make them all under 30 words long."

Find a good one, edit if needed, and start sending.

22. Bio & About

AI might be able to help you write a better bio on any platform and a better About section on LinkedIn.

Try this prompt:

"I'm a {title} who creates content about {topic} for {audience} on {platform}. Some of my top achievements are {your achievements}. My approach is unique because {your unique selling proposition}. Write me 20 options for my bio in a conversational tone. Incorporate my achievements and/or uniqueness in each of them. Keep them all under {number} characters."

See if you can copy-paste any of these. If not, pick the best one, edit it, and use it.

23. Calls To Action

Telling people to click the link in your bio gets a bit old.

AI can help you think of new ways to say it.


"I write a newsletter on {topic} for {audience}. Some of my top achievements are {your achievements}. It comes with {lead magnet}. Give me 10 calls to action that I can use at the end of my social media posts to get more people to subscribe."

Again, some might be good enough to copy-paste. Others will need some work.

24. Audience Persona

You might understand your audience extremely well already.

But if not, this can be helpful.

Start with this prompt:

"I create content about {topic} for {audience}. I'd like you to build a detailed audience persona for me. What additional information do you need?"

Give it what it needs, then let it do the rest.

25. Your Own

This is an unsatisfying one, but I have to include it.

The reason I made this more of a "ChatGPT prompt types" post instead of a post that just lists 100+ copy-paste prompts is that I don't know you, your skills, or your goals.

You can copy-paste some of the examples I've given you, but I'm also trying to help you see how you can generally use ChatGPT as a content assistant.

Once you understand that, you can create your own prompts from scratch, and then the magic starts. Keep practicing until you get there.

Last Thoughts

AI isn't replacing you.

But you can use it to create better and faster.

Use these prompts to make it happen.

P.S. Whenever you're ready, I can help you in 3 ways:

1. Copyblogger Academy - This is my content marketing community. It comes with 9 full-length courses, Q&A, and a lot more. Join 1,500+ members inside.

2. Personal Brand Growth - My services help you grow your audiences and earnings for $300-$497 per month. Fill out the form to see if we're a good fit.

3. Personal Brand Audit - If you want personalized advice, I do four 1-hour sessions per month. Check my calendar to see if I still have availability.